UTC Freq Call DXCC Comment Spotter
12:37 21074.0 BV6LD Taiwan FT8 TNX 73 EA5RT
12:36 28454.9 9K2GR Kuwait USB PE2GH
12:36 21240.0 R110DAR European Russia cq PA3DRK
12:36 28405.0 LY2NK Lithuania 59 in Valencia, Algis EC5ZZ
12:36 28495.0 4Z8NER Israel NOT 4X8 DL7VEE
12:36 28417.0 VU2XO India qsb IU7BSE
12:36 28538.0 9K2OD Kuwait TNX 73 PD1JN
12:36 21074.0 A61FJ United Arab Emirates FT8 -04dB from LL74 1126Hz YC3BVG
12:35 28425.0 DL1MAV Fed. Rep. of Germany CQ Pota EA4CT
12:35 14270.0 IR8RCTZ Italy IK8RJS
12:35 7095.0 F5NLX/P France fff-2694 S52RA
12:35 14244.0 OH0/SP1FM/P Aland Islands OHFF-0569 SQ4FDK
12:35 24900.6 K1EO United States EA3OH
12:35 28454.9 9K2GR Kuwait OE1ZYL
12:35 14270.0 IR8RCTZ Italy 12:35 100th Italian radio ham.cm/100ir IK8RJS
12:35 14087.0 IR1RVDB Italy 12:35 100th Italian radio ham.cm/100ir IZ1JJF
12:34 18104.0 DL1FX Fed. Rep. of Germany MY GL:PL24 MIYAKO Is. JS6RRR
12:34 24893.0 DQ0YOTA Fed. Rep. of Germany LZ2GS
12:33 14275.0 CT7/DO6JSA/P Portugal SOTA CT/ES-002 DK9IP
12:34 24955.0 SO3JK Poland USB HB9TWY