Informazioni country
ITU: 28 CQ: 15 Continente: EU Diff. UTC: 1 ore
Informazioni stazione
Spottato l'ultima volta 129 giorni fa

Spot per questo call negli ultimi 30 giorni

Spot per questo country negli ultimi 30 giorni

Ultimi spot per SQ9MR

Data Frequenza Commento Spotter
15/08/2024 09:12 UTC 7140.0 Last Flight of Liberator 10pt SQ9Z
13/08/2024 18:24 UTC 3733.5 Last Flight of Liberator 10pt SQ9ZBC
13/08/2024 17:29 UTC 7165.0 LSB KO13be -> JO90 SP4NKJ
12/08/2024 20:55 UTC 3705.0 Liberator SQ7ASG
11/08/2024 18:27 UTC 3700.0 SQ9DXT
11/08/2024 17:45 UTC 3717.0 TNX SP8BRE
11/08/2024 17:39 UTC 3717.0 Last Flight of Liberator 10pt SQ9Z
11/08/2024 11:43 UTC 7139.0 Liberator SQ7ASG
10/08/2024 09:04 UTC 7162.0 Liberator AWARD SQ9Z
09/08/2024 18:14 UTC 3717.5 LIBERATOR SP5EWX