Informazioni country
ITU: 45 CQ: 25 Continente: AS Diff. UTC: 9 ore
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Spottato l'ultima volta 13 giorni fa

Spot per questo call negli ultimi 30 giorni

Spot per questo country negli ultimi 30 giorni

Ultimi spot per JF1KKV

Data Frequenza Commento Spotter
09/12/2024 08:04 UTC 21074.0 FT8 -06 tnx 73! OK2LI
01/10/2024 06:27 UTC 14093.0 tnx RTTY 73 GL 9Z4Y
01/10/2024 06:25 UTC 14093.0 keep calling, RX for you 9Z4Y
28/09/2024 11:31 UTC 24920.0 FT4 -05 JN00BB<>PM95 EA5D
28/09/2024 10:39 UTC 28181.0 FT4 +09 JN00BB<>PM95 EA5D
27/09/2024 20:30 UTC 28180.0 Tnx EA8BM
16/03/2024 23:23 UTC 18100.0 u know the meaning of / ? DX1AS
16/03/2024 23:21 UTC 18100.0 U know the meaning of / ? AS1A