Informazioni country
ITU: 37 CQ: 14 Continente: EU Diff. UTC: 1 ore
Informazioni stazione
Spottato l'ultima volta 0 giorni fa

Spot per questo call negli ultimi 30 giorni

Spot per questo country negli ultimi 30 giorni

Ultimi spot per EA3JE

Data Frequenza Commento Spotter
21/12/2024 20:21 UTC 14263.0 59+20dB in Syracuse, NY W2PJ
20/12/2024 20:35 UTC 14263.0 KD9VGL
14/12/2024 15:59 UTC 14263.0 OM4AEI
12/12/2024 16:38 UTC 14268.0 YB8IBD
08/12/2024 00:32 UTC 3800.0 blasting up the airwaves EI6JJB
07/12/2024 23:39 UTC 3799.9 covering full window with distorsions DK1NO
07/12/2024 23:37 UTC 3799.9 what a shame, excessive & sdr DK1NO
06/12/2024 23:30 UTC 3800.0 CQDX VA2GK
06/12/2024 00:35 UTC 3796.0 N1BNC
05/12/2024 23:03 UTC 3796.0 LSB calling cq dx 59+40 EI6JJB