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ITU: 8 CQ: 5 Continente: NA Diff. UTC: -5 ore
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Spot per questo call negli ultimi 30 giorni

Spot per questo country negli ultimi 30 giorni

Ultimi spot per W2T

Data Frequenza Commento Spotter
27/12/2024 14:06 UTC 14295.0 SES Battle of Trenton AD2EK
26/12/2024 23:06 UTC 7188.0 AE4GW
26/12/2024 23:03 UTC 7188.0 cq cq EA8UP
26/12/2024 23:00 UTC 7188.0 SES Battle of Trenton K3EA
26/12/2024 22:20 UTC 14309.0 SES Battle of Trenton K3EA
26/12/2024 01:16 UTC 10136.0 FT8 FN20 6th Annual 12 Days of Christmas - 2024 WA2JQZ
25/12/2024 23:31 UTC 7179.0 KD9VAN
25/12/2024 21:31 UTC 14333.0 N2JF
25/12/2024 21:26 UTC 14333.0 AB2KL
25/12/2024 21:11 UTC 14333.0 WY4Y