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ITU: 16 CQ: 13 Continente: SA Diff. UTC: -3 ore
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Spot per questo country negli ultimi 30 giorni

Ultimi spot per LT4YOTA

Data Frequenza Commento Spotter
27/12/2024 02:35 UTC 21074.0 FT8 GG52nr -> FF75qq PP5XA
27/12/2024 00:07 UTC 7130.0 5-5 Bianca - Neuquen - YOTA LU1EAF
26/12/2024 23:12 UTC 7130.0 CQ YOTA ACTIV. 2024 OP. BIANCA LU8VCC
26/12/2024 22:56 UTC 7130.0 LSB FE48iu -> FF51 LU2VPG
26/12/2024 22:52 UTC 7130.0 yota stn. LU8VCC
26/12/2024 22:24 UTC 7130.0 Cq cq cq LU1DZ
26/12/2024 22:15 UTC 7120.0 Youngsters On The Air CS7AUT
26/12/2024 22:10 UTC 7120.0 Youngsters On The Air LU1DZ
22/12/2024 23:15 UTC 7110.0 YOTA LU4FTA
22/12/2024 23:14 UTC 28390.0 YOTA MONTH LU5YEC