This page shows the DX information for KT4ZE including map, latest reported spots and QSL information.

Country information
ITU: 8 CQ: 4 WAS: IL Continent: NA Diff. UTC: -5 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 66 days ago
United States

Spots for this call in the last 30 days


Spots for this country in the last 30 days

800080006000600040004000200020000004 Jan04 Jan06 Jan06 Jan08 Jan08 Jan10 Jan10 Jan12 Jan12 Jan14 Jan14 Jan16 Jan16 Jan18 Jan18 Jan20 Jan20 Jan22 Jan22 Jan24 Jan24 Jan26 Jan26 Jan28 Jan28 Jan30 Jan30 JanFeb '25Feb '25

Latest spots for KT4ZE

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
29/11/2024 18:03 UTC 28074.0 FT8 tnx 73s CS7AUT
18/11/2024 14:46 UTC 28077.0 KP04NP< >EN52 FT8 Sent: -09 Rcvd: -10 SM2A
26/09/2024 14:25 UTC 28075.0 FT8 -12 JN00BB<>EN52WL EA5D
24/09/2024 05:56 UTC 14074.0 FT8 -11 IM99VS<>EN52 73 EA5GXE
20/09/2024 16:04 UTC 21076.0 FT8 -22 JO60LM<>EN52 DL4JCP
17/08/2024 05:21 UTC 14074.0 FT8 JN62hb -> EN52wl IZ0PVL
13/07/2024 21:27 UTC 14076.1 IN53SI<>EN52 FT8 Sent: -11 Rcvd: -03 EA1EH
29/03/2024 15:55 UTC 18099.0 FT8 Sent: -07 Rcvd: -09 VE1KF
17/03/2024 07:27 UTC 7074.0 FT8 -12dB from EN52 1821Hz G0VAX