Country information
ITU: 28 CQ: 15 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 7 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for SP6A

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
12/05/2024 10:27 50313.0 <ES> JO81 FT8 +9 dB 1360 Hz EA1HRR
09/05/2024 09:20 50313.0 JO50UF<TR>JO81MC CQ 1443Hz DK2EA
09/05/2024 09:08 50313.0 FT8 -12 dB 1408 Hz UT5ERP
04/05/2024 13:28 50313.0 FT8 -25 dB 991 Hz UT7UA
07/04/2024 16:27 21037.8 CW NE5A
07/04/2024 14:24 21037.1 IT9IVU
07/04/2024 13:25 21038.9 YP8T
07/04/2024 08:57 14021.1 CW EA5OH
07/04/2024 08:01 14021.1 CW AK1MD
07/04/2024 03:45 7033.6 YO4FHU
07/04/2024 00:17 3531.1 YO4FHU
06/04/2024 23:39 7009.5 CW W8FJ
06/04/2024 20:37 7003.3 CW LY2NZ
06/04/2024 20:32 7002.1 SPDX - `D` SP6NIN
06/04/2024 19:01 14024.7 YO4FHU
06/04/2024 17:26 21020.6 CW AK1MD
06/04/2024 17:08 21020.6 CW TEST (D) SP6NIN