Country information
ITU: 29 CQ: 16 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 4 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 10 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for RP79RK

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
09/05/2024 10:57 14035.0 R1NA
09/05/2024 10:56 14173.0 UA3BZ
09/05/2024 10:21 14173.0 POBEDA-79 UA3ZTY
09/05/2024 06:27 14163.0 R1NA
08/05/2024 21:10 3617.0 R1NA
08/05/2024 20:52 7150.4 POBEDA RT1S
08/05/2024 20:49 7150.4 R1NA
08/05/2024 17:09 14176.0 R1NA
08/05/2024 12:46 14182.0 UA4PN
08/05/2024 12:30 14182.0 R1NA
08/05/2024 12:23 21200.0 R1NA
08/05/2024 12:10 14182.0 R1NA
08/05/2024 09:45 18150.0 R1NA
08/05/2024 09:42 21200.0 R1NA
08/05/2024 09:37 21015.0 R1NA
08/05/2024 09:00 14173.0 R1NA
08/05/2024 07:38 14024.0 R1NA
07/05/2024 20:34 7065.0 R1NA
07/05/2024 19:52 7071.2 R1NA
07/05/2024 19:06 7098.0 CQ UA4CDT
07/05/2024 19:02 7098.0 POBEDA-79 RW3YB
07/05/2024 19:00 7098.0 R1NA
07/05/2024 18:32 14167.0 R1NA
07/05/2024 16:43 14020.0 IZ5EKW
07/05/2024 16:31 14020.0 spb,dsw YT1UM