Country information
ITU: 29 CQ: 16 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 4 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 10 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for RP79DD

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
09/05/2024 13:24 14074.0 TNX 73 RL1B
09/05/2024 10:29 14076.2 tnx QSO RU9W
09/05/2024 08:08 14119.0 POBEDA-79 RW3YB
09/05/2024 07:48 14074.0 FT8 -21dB 1729Hz UA9LP
04/05/2024 10:13 14155.6 RK6A
03/05/2024 19:22 10136.0 2465 Hz E79D
03/05/2024 15:49 14127.5 RY0A
03/05/2024 15:35 14127.5 UA9JFD
03/05/2024 15:34 14179.0 UA9JFD
03/05/2024 12:05 24915.0 FT8 -15dB 2039Hz YB1HR
02/05/2024 19:37 10136.0 TU QSO 73! R1CW
02/05/2024 17:03 18100.0 TU QSO 73! R1CW
02/05/2024 15:37 14166.0 pobeda-79 RA3RGQ
02/05/2024 12:48 28074.0 FT8 -10dB 1869Hz YB1HR
02/05/2024 09:38 14178.1 RM8W
02/05/2024 09:30 14178.1 UA3BZ
02/05/2024 09:12 14175.5 R2HP
01/05/2024 15:22 24915.0 R5ACQ
01/05/2024 15:06 28074.0 FT8 -19dB 1645Hz YC1JEL
01/05/2024 07:55 14160.0 tnx QSO EW6AS
01/05/2024 07:14 18100.0 tnx QSO FT8 RV0APH
01/05/2024 06:51 18101.6 tnx QSO RU9W
01/05/2024 06:12 10137.5 tnx QSO RU9W
01/05/2024 04:29 7074.0 tnx QSO EW6AS