Country information
ITU: 29 CQ: 16 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 4 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 1 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for R3ZP

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
18/05/2024 09:36 144174.0 FT8 -12 dB 1661 Hz UA6LJV
16/05/2024 19:00 144174.0 <TR> FT8 -8 dB 1660 Hz R3PA
15/05/2024 19:52 144174.0 FT8 -10 dB 1687 Hz R3PA
14/05/2024 19:37 144360.0 MSK144 +15 dB CQ UA9CCL
09/05/2024 08:44 144360.0 MSK144 +4 dB R6FX
09/05/2024 06:36 144360.0 MSK144 +9 dB CQ UA9CCL
08/05/2024 17:52 144360.0 KN46KX<MS>KO80 MSK144 -3 dB ER1AN
05/05/2024 11:02 144360.0 CQ MSK144 +13dB HA9AL
05/05/2024 10:01 144360.0 MSK144 +3 dB UA6HJT
05/05/2024 07:33 144360.0 MSK144 +12 dB SWL US4ICG
05/05/2024 07:28 144360.0 LO96KD<MS>KO80LW MSK144 +12 dB UA9CCL
14/04/2024 09:33 144174.0 FT8 -8 dB 1444 Hz SWL US4ICG
17/03/2024 08:51 14036.6 IT9IVU
16/03/2024 18:12 7035.5 CW Russian DX Contest RA0R