Country information
ITU: 28 CQ: 20 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 2 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 0 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for LZ2VU

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
20/05/2024 04:56 14220.0 QRT N3FMC
20/05/2024 04:43 14220.0 W4WHQ
20/05/2024 04:39 14220.0 correct call sorry AJ4EN
20/05/2024 04:36 14220.0 USB DO46gr -> KN33gs VA6LJC
17/05/2024 06:14 14245.0 Juli, Tnx for the contact, 73s PD3JWB
17/05/2024 04:55 14236.0 KD9MKR
17/05/2024 04:47 14236.0 USB 5x7 into Texas N5HME
17/05/2024 04:42 14236.0 5/9+ AJ4EN
17/05/2024 04:41 14236.0 STRONG 5/9 FROM MONTREAL 73 Juli VA2VKG
17/05/2024 04:32 14236.0 KJ5DXE
16/05/2024 06:16 14245.0 N4DN
16/05/2024 06:15 14245.0 KO4CTP
16/05/2024 06:13 14245.0 KD9VGL
16/05/2024 04:44 14238.0 tnx QSO 59 in IL K3KO
16/05/2024 04:40 14238.0 5/9 AJ4EN
16/05/2024 04:39 14238.0 LZ2AO
15/05/2024 04:49 14243.0 WW4L
15/05/2024 04:45 14243.0 N8ACP
15/05/2024 04:45 14243.0 59+ FL KN4ULD
15/05/2024 04:42 14243.0 VE3ROV
15/05/2024 04:40 14243.0 KD9MKR
13/05/2024 04:29 7158.0 LZ2FL
10/05/2024 06:14 14218.0 CQ DX N6OKU
10/05/2024 04:44 14240.0 N4DN
10/05/2024 04:42 14240.0 5/9+10 AJ4EN