Country information
ITU: 11 CQ: 8 Continent: NA Diff. UTC: -4 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 0 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for FM4TI

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
20/05/2024 00:00 21240.0 GOOD SIGNAL IN BRAZIL TNX PY5VE
19/05/2024 23:43 21240.0 SV6HEF
19/05/2024 23:43 21240.0 tnx 73 DO1TLR
19/05/2024 23:18 21240.0 cq dx IK6SIO
19/05/2024 20:45 28510.0 58 N1BMT
09/05/2024 07:28 14270.0 59in uk thanks for qso M0COM
09/05/2024 06:42 14240.0 merci beaucoup pour le gentil qso SV1AVE
09/05/2024 06:25 14240.0 IOTA NA-107 F4UJU
09/05/2024 06:05 14240.0 YO9GDN
02/05/2024 02:02 14285.0 53 in PA N3FMC
02/05/2024 01:38 14285.0 IU1JQM
02/05/2024 01:34 14285.0 5-5 into-uk Oliver M6KCI
02/05/2024 01:28 14285.0 KD9MKR
02/05/2024 01:12 14285.0 KD8UDM
02/05/2024 01:00 14285.0 EA5KI
02/05/2024 00:42 14285.0 NW operatour CQ CQ DX FM4KA
02/05/2024 00:37 14285.0 fm4ti CQ CQ CQ DX FM1HN
02/05/2024 00:36 14285.0 FM1HN
01/05/2024 19:35 28432.0 IOTA NA-107 EC6DX
01/05/2024 19:31 28432.0 USB PP5KW
22/04/2024 21:11 28468.0 73 Thnx HJ6AZV
17/04/2024 00:15 14071.8 bpsk31 olivier fort de france EA5EE
15/04/2024 01:46 14220.0 CQ DX OK1AMF
15/04/2024 01:44 14220.0 OK1AMF
15/04/2024 01:42 14220.0 59 int Catalonia EB3AM