Country information
ITU: 27 CQ: 14 Continent: EU Diff. UTC: 1 hours
Station information
Spotted last time 3 days ago

Spots for this call in the last 30 days

Spots for this country in the last 30 days

Latest spots for F6KGL

Date Frequency Comment Spotter
16/05/2024 20:52 28442.0 F5KTR
14/05/2024 20:59 21028.0 F8IJV
14/05/2024 20:55 21028.0 mci zidane gd dx K4IEY
14/05/2024 15:31 435310.0 KB0QBT
11/05/2024 20:14 7082.0 POTA-FR 2511 F4FMU
11/05/2024 19:34 14324.0 not receive ? F4PZN
11/05/2024 19:22 14324.0 Tks qso 5/9+ POTA CQ YO9AKM
11/05/2024 19:18 14324.0 CQ POTA IZ4FCB
11/05/2024 18:53 14324.0 pota fr2511 EI9JU
11/05/2024 15:02 10489785.0 qo-100 ssb F4IEY
11/05/2024 14:38 10489785.9 cd sat qo-100 POTA SV2HZT
11/05/2024 13:48 10489785.0 qo-100 pota F5RAC
10/05/2024 17:59 10489730.0 cq sat qo-100 POTA FR2511 SV2HZT
10/05/2024 17:59 10489727.1 cq sat qo-100 POTA FR2511 SV2HZT
10/05/2024 17:08 10489730.0 qo-100 pota ssb F5KFF
10/05/2024 17:08 10489727.0 qo-100 pota ssb F5KFF
10/05/2024 16:16 10489520.0 qo-100 pota F4IEY
10/05/2024 16:16 10489523.0 qo-100 pota F4IEY
10/05/2024 16:15 10489523.0 pota fr-2511 F4IEY
10/05/2024 16:15 10489520.0 pota fr-2511 F4IEY
08/05/2024 17:44 10489800.0 pota qo-100 F4IQN
08/05/2024 17:44 10489804.0 pota qo-100 F4IQN
07/05/2024 15:33 10489520.0 QO-100 F4IEY
07/05/2024 15:33 10489523.0 QO-100 F4IEY
06/04/2024 13:43 14012.5 tu ee K4IEY